
Thief's Roulette

Created by hiromu656

A Puzzling Thriller inspired by the Zero Escape and Danganronpa series. All purchases help support the development of the game.

Latest Updates from Our Project:

over 2 years ago – Sat, Apr 30, 2022 at 07:39:16 PM

Since the last update, I actually had to work quite a bit in engine again. All this while I had just been focusing on Art while the ports are mostly handled by the Publisher, but this time I had some work to do. 

I had to setup a console specific options menu, along with tackling some controller and save related issues. When using a controller it just wasn't feeling right, so I've put a good deal of time into making it better to play with. Regarding the saving, there were just a ton of instances where when you save the game, certain things were stored and others weren't. So you would reload the game and not have all of the items you had when you saved. Or your progress wouldn't be entirely saved in the Challenge Room.

With that all settled it's back to the ports again.

I hoped we'd have that all finished by May, but it looks like it will take a little while longer. 

That'll be all from me. 

over 2 years ago – Mon, Apr 11, 2022 at 01:05:54 AM

I still don't know what to say on these updates now that I'm mostly just waiting, but I will stick to the schedule anyway. We are making good progress, but I still can't give any dates yet.

The game relies on quite a bit of surprises, so I have to be very particular with the screenshots I post, and footage that I put in trailers. So here's a couple more basic screenshots:


That's all I got for now. Have a nice weekend.

over 2 years ago – Sat, Mar 26, 2022 at 06:33:27 PM

Very short one. 

Just working/waiting on the console ports and doing performance optimizations. Some of the game's artwork needs attention but that won't affect the porting process. There was a comment on the previous update that asks if the console ports will delay the PC release, and the answer is yes, intentionally. Initially the game was only going to release for PC and Switch, but it was always planned to be a simultaneous release. Now, we've added PS4/5 to that, so I think it would be for the best to release at the same time for all of them.

Lastly, I changed my mind on making a trailer before the final trailer... It seems unnecessary at this point, so there will just be the one final trailer for the game's release. In the meantime I'll try to be more active on social media, and post a couple videos to the YouTube channel.

That's all I got for now.

 Youtube Channel 


over 2 years ago – Sat, Mar 12, 2022 at 04:59:35 PM

Here is what has happened over these last 2 weeks:

  • The game is done.

Now that it's done, we will put in just 1 final week of polish. It could easily be shorter than that, but we don't want to miss anything silly, so a full week will be ideal.

The final step begins after that week of polish: Console Ports.

Besides PC, the game will launch on PS4/5 and Nintendo Switch. I can't say exactly how long this will take, but I will continue to make updates during the process. After the game has officially released, I want to work on a Linux and Mac version. 


For the sake of transparency, and because I haven't had much else to talk about... there will be a "Final Update" to Thief's Roulette after its launch. This is not just the regular bug fix updates that will surely happen, it will instead be a dlc-sized free campaign. Thief's Roulette will tell a complete story on its own (mysteries aside), but I want to add a bit more on top, and this will be a cool way of doing just that. It will expand on the story from a different perspective. Obviously I can't say much more than that because of spoilers. 

As a developer I won't just be the "Thief's Roulette Guy," but I am very happy about this game/world and plan on doing a lot more with it. There's no time for fantasies now, though, so I'm going to work hard during this last stretch and try to finally get this thing released.


To end things, I took a couple new screenshots, so here they are:

almost 3 years ago – Mon, Feb 28, 2022 at 01:24:48 AM

Again there's not much to say at this point, but I'll list what has happened these last 2 weeks:

  • Final final draft of all dialogue complete.
  • All playable sections of the game are complete.
  • All cutscenes are complete in terms of dialogue and structure. I just need to finish a couple more CGs to go along with them.

I'm just doing every little thing I can as QA is wrapping up. I've got a little bit more art that needs to be finished, but that's not a big deal since the new assets can easily be swapped in. 

Besides the remaining pieces of art, I will officially be able to call the game done after I put in the finishing touches over the weekend. The goal then is to jump right into console ports and release planning during the month of March. All the while I'll be completing the game art. On my end, I just need two more weeks to get the art done, but I can't say for sure how long console ports will take. 


Regarding the new Trailer, I've only just started working on it. I was very distracted with all the new work that came up due to QA, but now things are slowing down. So that should be done pretty quick since this trailer is more of an updated compilation of footage from old trailers except recorded in this final build of the game. There will be a couple new things, but mostly stuff you've seen over the years. This is just so that I have a new trailer being circulated as the others don't represent the current state of the game at all. When I have a release date for the game, I will be putting out a "Release Trailer" that will have lots of new footage, and of course, the release date.

I haven't shown any visuals for a while, so here is a promo thing I made recently:

Didn't think it would be at full size...

I might work a little bit more on that, but it's just for digital store pages, so not something worth showing off much really.

When the next update comes, Thief's Roulette will be complete. After that, I'm going to do what I can to get the ports and everything else done so we can move onto the release process as soon as possible.

That's all I got for now. Bye!