
Thief's Roulette

Created by hiromu656

A Puzzling Thriller inspired by the Zero Escape and Danganronpa series. All purchases help support the development of the game.

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Pre-Update Update (not the new Character)
over 5 years ago – Fri, Oct 05, 2018 at 05:28:24 PM

Got too excited with the last Update, I forgot to include some stuff. So to make things clear before this Campaign ends...

Credits - All Backers from the $5 Tier and UP can have their name displayed in the game's ending Credits. You of course have the option to not have your name shown at all, and you can give me some other name to use other than your Kickstarter name.

Discord - The Tiers that include a copy of the game will be invited to the game's Discord server. That means everyone from the $15 Early Bird Tier and UP. If your reward includes a copy of the game, you will be invited. The Discord server will just be another way to follow the game's Development and to speak to me. One thing for sure I'll be doing with the Discord group is getting feedback on the more rough aspects of the game. Stuff that isn't quite ready to be showcased. Beyond that who knows. I'll get that up and running shortly after the Kickstarter ends.

The Demo - The biggest of deals. After Demo/Beta one, all future Tests will be exclusive to Backers in the $25 Tier and UP! So Demo #1 will be sent out to all Backers regardless of Tier. So yes, even $1 Tiers will receive Demo #1. From then on, only the $25 and UP group will get the remaining Demos. Now about this First Demo, on the Campaign Page I did say that it would cover the game's full introduction up to the first Challenge Room. I now realize, this would take much much longer than I had thought. So, instead I will be creating a standalone experience for the Demo. You will partake in a full Challenge Room and meet every Character, but it will not include any of the main game's story. I'll talk more about the specifics in the future.

Now that all that is cleared up, I can get back to Thief 12. 

over 5 years ago – Fri, Oct 05, 2018 at 08:54:01 AM

Some pretty good news to wake up to. We've went over the 100% Mark. Thanks to all of you for the support. Thief's Roulette will become a reality because of your help.

There are still 3 Days to go so my job is not done. I'll continue to get the word out and seek more support for the game. I am also finishing up the 12th Thief. So no breaks just yet! 

I guess this is also a good time to bring up the Stretch Goals again:

Some of them may be far off but there's no reason not to hope. 

Thanks again to everyone. We'll talk again soon.

Viktoria, the 11th Thief
over 5 years ago – Thu, Oct 04, 2018 at 10:03:57 PM

Cutting it pretty close, but here she is:

And that's number 11. I hope the fact some of these characters dont quite "look the part" of a Thief gets you interested in their stories. I can't wait to tell you all about them. The Cast will eventually consist of 15 Characters, 3 of which are currently reserved to Backers. Once the Campaign ends, however many remain I will create the rest. Before the Kickstarter ends (which is very soon lol) I will reveal the 12th Thief. 

Speaking of the Campaign's End; we're 96% Funded with a couple days to go. This looks to be the final push to full funding, so I'll surely have the next character Reveal while we're at 100% (or maybe more?). 

I said I would talk more about Gameplay so here it is:


Puzzle Difficulty and Assistance:

Thief's Roulette is a very dialogue heavy game. The story and the characters are very important. At the same time, there is a focus on Puzzle solving and Gameplay. That leads to the concern that some Players may feel overwhelmed at times or get stuck on certain puzzles. This could ruin the game for some people; particularly the players who are only here for the story and much less the gameplay. Thief's Roulette will not have a skip puzzle function (maybe there will be for second playthroughs?) so to Progress you will have to take part in the process. Because of this, the game employs 2 important mechanics:

1. Assistance - Assistance is just that. During Puzzles, you can at any time, ask one of the members of your team for assistance. They will give clues to what your next step should be. These clues update as you progress in the Challenge Room. So if you need a Key, the clue will be where you may find it. Once you have that key, the next clue will let you know where to use it. There's nothing wrong with asking for help sometimes. There are no difficulty settings for the game, the ability to ask for Assistance is always there. It is up to you whether you choose to use it.

2. No Rush - Unlike the characters in the game, as the Player you are not actually racing against the other Teams. Challenge Rooms are not Time Trials. Knowing how to solve a puzzle beforehand will not guarantee a first place victory for your Team. There is no rush. The alliances and rivalries you've created, and the choices you've made outside of the Challenge Rooms determine your eventual placement. It will be my job to make sure you are fully aware of what choices will have led to you getting 1st, 2nd or 3rd Place. 

I want Thief's Roulette to merge storytelling and gameplay in a fun and entertaining way. I want Challenge Rooms to be engaging and challenging, but to never become a barrier for progress in the story. For instance, a Player who chooses to lone wolf through the game can do just that. Being dismissive in Dialogue and choosing to never interact with Characters during Break Time is something you can do. So your playstyle in and out of the Challenge Rooms is up to you. That being said, all of these choices will impact the game's outcome.

Next Update I will cover the 12th Thief and go into more detail regarding Break Time and your Dorm Room. That will either be the final Update or the second to last. 

That's all for now. Talk to you all real soon.

Quick Update! New Character Tomorrow!
over 5 years ago – Wed, Oct 03, 2018 at 07:28:57 PM

Like the Title says, this is a really quick Update since I haven't made one in a bit. I wanted to reveal the 11th Character today but some computer issues have been slowing me down. So, Character Reveal Tomorrow! That will be a lengthier Update than what I've been doing recently, as I will go into detail on some gameplay systems along with the new Character.

Oh yea... and we're over 90% funded. That's crazy. Round of applause for you guys. The support has been unreal. Just this last push to go!


One last thing, of course, a Shoutout!

The guys at Drix Studios are creating a game called Grand Guilds. It is a 'story-driven, tactical RPG with unique card combat mechanics.' Sounds pretty cool to me, if you think so too check them out on Kickstarter:

They also have a Trailer for the Project:

That's all I got today. Please look forward to the next Update tomorrow!

TRAILER #2 is here!
over 5 years ago – Fri, Sep 28, 2018 at 07:02:35 PM

Like the title says, Trailer #2 is complete. It has some new locations, the newly introduced Thieves and some more gameplay. I've Updated the Campaign video with the new Trailer, but you can also watch it right here:

The Campaign is on its last days but we've still got time to get this thing funded. Since I've got 3 Characters reserved to Backers (reserved until the Campaign ends), I still have 2 more Thieves to reveal before the final day. So there's still more to show. 

Progress on the game itself has been going well. The Thieves are slowly being worked in, and I'm steadily making improvements to the gameplay systems. As you can see in the Trailer (much clearly this time), I have Updated the game's UI a bit. I will of course keep making adjustments to all things visual, but for now I'm liking the look. 

That's all for me, next time I'll be sure to bring some Gameplay stuff to talk about. 

But before I go... one more Shoutout!

ComonGames are on Kickstarter developing a game called The Uncertain!

The Uncertain is a story-driven adventure game set in a post-apocalyptic world. The human race were wiped off the face of the Earth, and robots have come to take their place. 

You can check out their Project here:

Thanks guys, talk to you soon.