
Thief's Roulette

Created by hiromu656

A Puzzling Thriller inspired by the Zero Escape and Danganronpa series. All purchases help support the development of the game.

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Small Update to Roland and Li, Thief Device Update, and New CRoom 2 Screenshots
almost 4 years ago – Tue, Jun 23, 2020 at 10:05:54 AM

The title covers it all, so let's start with the character updates:


For Li, I made pretty minor adjustments. Head shape, face, stuff like that. Honestly it isn't right yet and it's annoying me, so I'll keep messing with it until I like it. Roland didn't need to change much, but his body shape was a bit off, and I wanted to redraw a lot of the lines. I also made his eyebrows dark.

Not much to say about the art. I'm thinking it's time to finally move on with the character adjustments, and instead start making more expressions and poses. That's what the game needs now when it comes to the art. In an earlier build the characters would blink during the dialogue and it looked pretty awesome. I had to remove that because I started redoing all of the character art. Now that every character is essentially done, I'm going to bring the blinking animations back. Blinking and the additional poses are going to make dialogue much more dynamic. That's the sort of polish that will make the game much more appealing. 


Now for the Thief Device:

I added multiply and divide to the Calculator. Now that I recorded, and posted it here... I just noticed there's some alignment issues with the functions. I'll fix that lol

That's it for the Device.


Finally, the new Challenge Room 2 Screenshots:

Updated the computers and added one of my signature cords to the room
The elevator that brought you to the CRoom
Added more cords, and ventilation throughout the 1st Floor
More cords and a Number Pad (part of the first floor puzzle) - You can also see a new room in the back
Small additional room with another computer. The screen display on this and the 1st picture have been removed so not to spoil!

So I added another room to the first floor and have continued added details in the environment to bring it all to life. The first floor puzzles are all coded and playable, but I think I'll just keep them a secret for now. They deal with computers... 

What needs to happen next is just going all out with details and making the environment look great. It needs some color and textures as well to make it look as good as I want it to.  Challenge Room 2 is going to be a lot more creative and difficult than the 1st in terms of puzzles and structure. I can't wait to have it all finalized so I can show more. 

That's all for this update. Not sure what the next one will be about, so we'll just have to see.






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Quick Update - Major Thief Device Progress
almost 4 years ago – Sun, Jun 07, 2020 at 10:15:25 PM

This won't be a long one, but some good progress has been made. 

In the last Update I said I would keep working on Li's art and I have been... but I'm still not okay with it. I've also been looking over my other Characters as well and I think Roland could use a bit of a touch-up as well. So for next Update I will for sure have final artwork for Li and Roland. 

This Update was going to be Li art and the Thief Device, so without the art it won't be very long. So let's get right to the Device:

The Thief Device is accessed through the pause screen, but I think it'll be best to give it a specific hotkey as well. Here you see the 4 Pages on the Device. Home is a welcome screen that will have different information based on your progress through the game. It'll be best served as a refresher if you ever stop playing the game and come back to it after a long break. The Thieves menu is simple and just gives a description of every Thief. The more technical parts are the Note and Calc screen that I've just gotten finished. Note lets you write notes and hopefully use that to your advantage during Challenge Rooms. I don't imagine I'll get it to be super smooth with a controller, but simply having this as a tool at your disposal should still be cool. The next one, Calc, is just a basic calculator with addition and subtraction. Although I do have the code written for multiplication and division, I won't have any Challenges that require you to use those functions (so I don't include them on the Calc). I guess if there is an uproar and people demand the multiply and divide buttons, I can add them in. 

The Thief Device as a whole still needs some visual polish, and I need to add in the text elements for the Home and Thief tabs, but functionally it's all there. It's in a very good spot. 

I've begun putting most of my work time into Challenge Room 2. With all the Art so close to being finalized, and the Thief Device functional, that's my next goal. The ideal next Update will be Li and Roland final art, followed by some NEW shots of Challenge Room 2 and the Casino/Lady Luck's Facility. I want to show off at least 1 of CRoom 2's puzzles by then as well. But for now, that's all I have. Till next time. 






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Another Art Update and New Location
almost 4 years ago – Sun, May 24, 2020 at 12:38:19 AM

This Update has turned into more of a WIP showcase. That's what happens when you're trying to work on multiple things at once, but it'll get the job done eventually I hope.

By that I mean, I have the Updated art for Li, and the new location I wanted to show, but they both need a bit more work before they're where I want them. So let's start with Li, I'll talk about the pros and cons and where I go next with it. Then we go to the new location.

You might not remember old Li as I kinda dropped the art for him and just moved on. From the start I felt like he was a bit lackluster. As a reminder, this was his original art:

I think my rendering and the art itself (structurally) is an improvement. That being said, I like his old face a lot more. I'll try to find a middle ground between old face and new face, and that will be Li's final form. The idea was to make him look a bit older, but it doesn't look that good to me. Along with that I can still improve the way the clothing looks, and play with the colors. That's why I said this was more of a WIP (work in progress) update at the start. In the next Update I'll show the finished art. Still I'm happy with the progress I made on him, so it's worth showing off.


'Work in progress' applies to the new location as well, so I'll have to describe what it will be :)

The new location:

This is a small part of another Challenge Room. What this location is going to be is a gloomy cabin with a bit of a grassy overgrowth on the walls. On the right side there, there will be a bathroom with a television inside. That TV and the rest of the things you find inside the cabin will be apart of a puzzle. Right away you'll notice the funky textures, but they're placeholder! I'll slowly build this place up and make it look really nice.  

More placeholder textures on display. This is apart of the same Challenge Room. It will be a damp sewer/tunnel underneath the main section of the Challenge Room. I'm going for a fun combination of a sewer aesthetic with some technological bits and pieces throughout. I think it will look really unique when it's all done. This and the first room are both pretty empty, but this Challenge Room has been planned out extensively. Most of the Challenge Rooms have been. Now it's all about putting everything into place and getting it all running (the hard part). 

That's all for this Update. Next time (June 6), I'll have the final final version of Li. I might have a followup on these locations, but maybe not. However, I will have the Thief Device functionally complete. I've been working super slowly on that on and off, so it's about time to really focus on it now that the Character Art is almost all done. When I say functionally complete, I just mean that it will work as intended, but I can't say that the visuals will be complete. I would like to have 1 more thing done, but we shall see. 






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Lillian Art Update & More
almost 4 years ago – Fri, May 15, 2020 at 02:58:53 AM

Update time. Starting with Lillian's new art:

I changed her outfit a little bit, but overall mostly the same. Next comes the updated art for Li. I'll probably do some adjustments to the other characters, but nothing major. After Li is done the cast will be complete. Honestly it's tough to just stop updating them because I could probably work on the character art endlessly. But if I want to actually get things done I have to just say enough and get to the rest of the game. 


Next I made some adjustments to a part of Challenge Room 2. It's still in the adding detail stage but structurally it's complete. I made a video:

Just a quick walk through. The colors are not what they'll be in game, I just have each floor of the Challenge Room a different color as I work on them. 


Now I have another quick video of the Updates I'm making to the Demo:

I finally made a Game Options menu. So far there's just Resolution, Fullscreen, Game Volume (Master), and Look Sensitivity. The Demo that's live right now only has the look sensitivity but the rest of the settings are going to be added in soon. I'm working on some more options now as well. Look Invert options, Audio Settings for SFX and Music individually, and a Cursor Speed option for Controllers.  

Speaking of controllers, that's what I'm working on now. The only reason I haven't gotten controllers in sooner is because the game tends to rely on using a mouse more than I had realized during the planning stages... So what I'm doing now is working on a cursor that you can move around with a controller. After that's been figured out, I can finally remove that "No Controller" warning at the start of the demo. 


Now I said I had one other location to show, but its not as far along as I wanted. I spent a lot more time working on the Settings and Controller issues than I had expected. So that will be in the next Update along with Li. I'll get the current Demo updated in a day or two. That's all I've got for now.

If you're planning on getting the game on Steam, or if you have a Steam account and would like to increase my wishlist numbers, you can do so on the game's steam page:






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Steam Page Live! - Short Update
about 4 years ago – Sun, Apr 26, 2020 at 03:20:08 AM

This will be a very short one. The goal was to have Lillian's art update done today, but it looks like I'll need another day to get it finished. So rather than delaying the Update, I'll just put out this short one and make the NEXT Update a big one. 

Like the title says, Thief's Roulette now has a Steam Page:

Pretty decent page, and it feels good to finally be on Steam. Now I'm thinking about an official "Developer's Name". Not sure what to make it just yet. I don't  want "hiromu656" to go on Steam and all the other places you hear about the game, so I need something official. I'm sure it'll come to me eventually. 

Besides that, I've been working on many different parts of the game. Spending time on some new Locations, the Thief Device, Character Art and Demo polish. Now I won't lie and say I've exclusively been working on the game, cause I've been doing a lot of gaming since this quarantine business started. Anyway, progress has still been made, and the next Update you'll get to see a lot of it. Lillian's updated art for starters, along with that new Location. I hope to get Li finished for that Update as well. 


Before I go, I'd like to shout out an indie developer that just released their new game, Birth Me Code:

It's inspired by the Zero Escape series as well. I've been following the game for a while and I know a couple backers of Thief's Roulette have been as well. If you're interested, take a look. 

That's all for this short update. Stay safe, everyone.






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